O Ed deu uma entrevista a BuddyTV em Janeiro sobre o carácter da sua personagem, sobre os últimos episódios, sobre o triângulo amorosa Blair, Nate and Chunck, de tudo um pouco.
First, why don't you start by catching us up on what's been going on with your character this season.
Chuck was introduced to the audience as the bad-boy, the overly-affluent guy who takes what he wants how he wants. In the early episodes we saw lots of drinking and womanizing, often unwilling. These traits remained consistent but we saw Chuck become more vulnerable and passionate as a result of his relationship with his father and feelings towards Blair. However in true GG fashion, drama will unfold and Chuck will be undoubtedly in the mix.
I've read that you're not really a bad guy in real life. Where do you get your inspiration from?
I think we all know how to be bad or mean when we want to be. We all have those moments when we can be selfish, arrogant, inconsiderate, etc. There was no specific influence for me. My vision was a collection of the people I have met in my life, characters I have seen on screen and the way I have acted on some occasions perhaps. However I assure you I am entirely different from Mr. Bass Jr.
Now, you must get this a lot, but what's it like for you, as a Brit, to be playing an American? Is it hard to do the accent?
I feel very lucky to be given the opportunity to play an American. With regard to the accent it is something that I didn't have to see a dialect coach for, it just came to me by listening and practicing. It is important not to get lazy and make sure I warm up my tongue properly since American sounds require different movements from my tongue.
What's coming up for Chuck on this last episode of the season?
Well we have reached half way in the season and unfortunately the writers strike means we don't know when the second half of this season will take place. But for a kind of mini, half-way climax, we see all the scandal revealed. Hearts and friendships alike are broken and control is lost. It should have everyone begging to see what happens next.
Do you know what the writers and creators have planned for you for next season?
We have no idea. But I have a lot of faith and respect for that aspect of the team so I'm sure it will be fantastic to be part of.
Is Gossip Girl being aired in the UK? What has the reception been like there?
It airs in the UK February and March I think. There is already hype so I am very excited for the show here.
Finally, aside from Gossip Girl, you've got a lot of other things going on: some film projects and your band the Filthy Youth. When do you sleep? What do you do when you get a break?
Well currently the strike means I am effectively breaking, it can be hectic during production but it is fun so I never feel pinned-down. I am in London currently and have been doing things with the band which has always been a romance for me and I look forward to bringing them to the US this year sometime. I have two films which I appear in which are waiting for release any time soon which I am excited for, it should be good times.
Crédito: edwestwick.net
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