quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2008
Agora é a vez da Taylor... Em 2000 Taylor entrou num filme chamado "How the Grinch Stole Christmas " que é um filme natalício.
Ela representa uma menina chamada Cindy Lou Who, uma menina aventureira.
Vi este filme ha dois anos na época de Natal, e até ta girinho...
Entram alguns actores conhecidos tais como o actor Jim Carrey (Grinch); Molly Shannon (Bety Lou Who),...
Aqui ficam algumas fotos:
Sabiam que era a Taylor neste filme?
terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2008
Blake Lively at Mediterranean Village
Blake Lively at the Grand Opening Of Mediterranean Village at the Sandals Grande Antigua Resort & Spa in early October.
Que sorte ja me lembro das férias lol
Blake na praia com uma amiga, gostava era de saber quem era voçes têm alguma ideia quem seja ??
sábado, 26 de janeiro de 2008
Fotos do próximo episódio
Actores falam sobre a série !!
Espero que gostem =)
What’s the coolest thing about the show?
Blake Lively: New York is an amazing factor. Getting to work with Josh and Stephanie, and having them be so passionate. The clothes are amazing. It’s just a really fun show. The cast is so great. We get along so well. It’s a really great vibe, all around.
Is it exciting for you to make the transition onto a show with older kids?
Taylor Momsen: It’s totally a blast. I’m having so much fun. Everyone is so great. I am younger, obviously, and it’s a reality check. They treat me like such an individual, which I totally appreciate and love. But then, they’ll go out, and I have to go home and do homework.
When will you consider yourself a celebrity?
Leighton Meester: I don’t know. It’s so hard to say. I don’t really know if that’s necessarily what I want or what I’m seeking. I just want to make the show. On a more serious note, I think that there’s good and bad things to be said about never being able to go anywhere on your own. I’m so used to being able to do that, so I hope it doesn’t get to that point. But, if that’s what it means for the show to do well, then that’s okay.
How did you come to this project?
Chace Crawford: I had a meeting back in January with my television agent and she said, “There this big script that Josh Schwartz has adapted.” I read it and thought, “It’s typical teen stuff, but it’s Josh Schwartz, so it’s probably going to be a good project.” The casting process was pretty rigorous. I went back six or seven times. I knew that I was probably in the mix after the first audition, but winning over Les Moonves was another story. I ended up reading with Leighton, who had just gotten cast.
Is it fun to play the slick bad boy?
Ed Westwick: It’s fun to play the bad boy because there’s a mysterious dynamic that Chuck brings to the whole group. It’s fun to be the spice. It looks like he’s going to be the one manipulating people and mixing things up.
Your character is the outsider who has more to prove. Has that been fun for you?
Penn Badgley: It’s always nice to be the moral compass of a show. I think he stands out as the heart and soul, and a lot of people identify with him, maybe more than others. It’s much easier to like the guy that’s smiling than the guy that’s scowling. It’s great, but I’m also hoping that they’ll explore some darker sides of his character, so that he can really have some arcs.
Crédito: http://www.gossipgirlinsider.com/
Entrevita com a Blake Lively sobre Gossip Girl
How does Blake Lively feel about starring in Gossip Girl?
Excited. Nervous. Fairly well-prepared.
She recently compared the show to her preparation for the movie Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants:
“With Sisterhood, I read all four books in the very beginning because it was just a movie,” said Lively. “So for three months we’d be telling the story of the first book. Whereas this is a full series. It could go one episode, it could go 100 episodes, we don’t know. So I read the books of the Sisterhood but Gossip Girl I just read about half of it to really get to know the character. So I know Sisterhood better but Gossip Girl, I’m very excited to dive into. I’ve never done anything like this.
And what about her character, Serena van der Woodsen?
“I’m very excited because Serena is very complex. She was what you can call a bad girl before and now she’s trying to be good. But she’s still got this core to her,” Blake said.
“She’s being pulled at all different angles from her mom to her brother to this new good guy, Dan, to Nate (Chace Crawford) who she still loves, to her best friend. She’s got all of these people pulling on her and she needs to find her place. So I definitely think there’s going to be room to explore different areas because she’s so complex.”
Lastly, the actress has a taken on the lifestyle the show portrays:
“I don’t think it’s so much a life of privilege as it is how you’re raised. I think parenting is very important because even the Humphries on the show, they’re privileged. You look at their apartment and anybody that’s been to New York and looked at apartments knows that those people aren’t struggling.
And they go to these expensive prep schools but they were brought up by really great parents and the family was so important to them that they have stayed grounded. They’re very moral people. And my family are all actors but I grew up with the business around me, but I have such a great family and such a great base, that was never an option for me to become a Paris Hilton type.
So I don’t think it’s money and privilege as much as it is parenting and the important of education and your surroundings.”
Crédito: www.gossipgirlinsider.com/
sexta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2008
Livro Gossip Girl
A série é produzida por Josh Scharwtz, o mesmo criador da série The OC, que alterou algumas personagens para adaptação para a televissão, a série fica mais calma pois o livro os temas sao mais aprofundados...
O primeiro episodio é igual ao do livro, vou mostrar as diferencias das personagens do livro para as personagens da série!!
E apaixonado por Serena, com quem tem fantasias. Na série é totalmente diferente, é divertido, calmo, e totalmete apaixonado por Serena que esconde por toda a gente.
Want to be a Gossip ?
1º - O Portátil, toda a juventude de U.E.S que se preze tem um portátil onde pode passar os dias a navegar, certo? E afinal de contas, é através do portal que podemos aceder ao blog da famosa Gossip Girl!
2º - Telemóvel com internet, imagina que vais a passear na rua e recebes uma informação de Gossip Girl, com a mais recente bomba? Quererás ir ao seu site saber mais detalhes, certo? Um telemovel com agenda eletrónica e e-mail e tudo o que precisas!
3º - O famoso telemóvel! Quando vires a maior bomba e quiseres enviar para a maior fofoqueira de Manhattan, como o fazes sem teres um telemóvel como fotografias?
4º Serena e Blair são bastante conhecidas, além pelo estatuto de high-society the Upper East Side , pelas suas manias das compras. Bem, o auricular bluetooth serve apenas para poderes fazer todas as tuas compras em teres que desligar as chamadas uma unica vez. Como teu auricular, levas as tuas compras nas mãos e a fofoquice ao ouvido :P
5º A Maravilhosa Maquina Fotográfica ! Melhor do que falar mal da roupa de alguém é tirar uma foto e mandar para todo mundo. O lado cruel dos jovens milionários de Nova York pode vir à tona com uma máquina fotográfica. Mais um must tecnológico do mundo de intrigas de Gossip Girl !
créditos : http://tv.globo.com/
quarta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2008
Desculpem por este dias não termos postado nada é que os testes começaram e é mais difícil postar, mas vamos fazer os possíveis para que isso não aconteça =)
Espero que gostem:
Crédito: abduart
Crédito: andaugur
Crédito: andaugur
Crédito: debralovely
Crédito: dabralovely
Crédito: debralovely
Crédito: debralovely
Crédito: debralovely
Crédito: x_kris
Crédito: innocentsilverangel
Crédito: angel
Crédito: butterflygoodbye
Que acham?